
 ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs’

Mark 10:14

Growing in the love of God

The heart of children is naturally open to a relationship with Christ. Many mysteries are more familiar to them than they are to us as adults. That is why PULSE provides a real retreat for children, so that young and old can go on a journey suitable for their own age. 

While parents discover the joy of prayer through times of teaching and in sessions where this is put into practice, children take part in a school of prayer where they experience the love of God through practical and sport activities, as well as through times of sharing and prayer.

A joyful school of prayer

In 2016, Pope Francis invited us to meditate on the joy of Mercy. Following on from this call, the PULSE school of prayer enables children to discover the Mercy of God. The retreat is structured around practical activities, games, prayer times and times of sharing. The children’s retreat is attended by a priest. For older children, there is the opportunity to go to confession.

An adventure for all ages

Each child is entrusted in person to a volunteer, who looks after him or her when the school of prayer is in session. Parents meet afterwards with the volunteer to discuss their child’s experience. The sleeping and eating patterns of the youngest (aged 0-4 years) is actively supported. Children aged 0-2 years attend a crèche, and are free to participate in activities as they please!

A joyful experience

Children are looked after during the day, except during meal times, when they enjoy the chance to meet up with their parents and talk about what they have been doing. The retreat concludes with a family celebration, which is often one of the moments of the retreat the children remember most fondly.

What about safety?

The safety of your children is our top priority. We operate a strict child safeguarding policy. All our volunteers are DBS checked, or have a clean French criminal record certificate. The volunteers are supervised by couples who have been organising these retreats since 2014 (15+ week-ends and day retreats).


Are run by families for families. PULSE provides a space in which every member of the family has the opportunity to encounter God's love through prayer and in one another.

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